Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Posted by beni January 30, 2018


This article discusses the steps you need to take to add Facebook Like button below every post you write in Blogger. Everyone knows the importance of social media and that it cannot be overlooked. The benefits include both traffic from Facebook and of course increased SEO benefits. Many times a user may think that a post is worth sharing but if you do not give him or her option to do so it is unlikely that he or she will copy your post URL and paste it on his wall. A much simpler way is to tell the audience that they have a way to share the post by simply pressing the Facebook Like button. Gestures like these go a long way to make your site social media friendly.
Use the steps given below to add Facebook Like button below your Blogger posts.

1.Login to Blogger then Click on �Template� from the left navigation menu of
your dashboard.
2.Go to Edit Html section. Click the �Expand Widgets Templates� Box.
Search for below code:
<data:post.body />

3.Paste the below code just under the
<data:post.body /> tag.
<iframe allowTransparency=�true� expr_src=�&quot;http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=buttoncount&amp;showfaces=false&amp;width=100&amp; action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;� frameborder=�0? scrolling=�no� style=�border:none; overflow:hidden;width:300px; height:25px;�/>

4.Click on the �Save Template� button.

You are done 

visit to link download
