Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Posted by beni in , , | May 30, 2017


Even tho SWGP literally killed himself when he decided to turn out his website into hackers lair I believed that one day he might try to make a comeback. My belief was based on the fact that he never actually admitted that used cheats or spambots to ruin the game for other players. Its true, he was the one that we pointed our fingers at, but he never admitted it. Not until today.
If there was a slightest chance that SWGP could make a comeback before this day it is just too bad for him that he wasnt aware of it. Well, if he believed that there was such chance for him I am sure that he wouldnt do what he did.

He just placed a text message on his KeKo bot, saying that he is selling website, cheats and spammbots. All for 70 euros. Check it out.

A fucking business man! Buys and sells goods in the ancient game of Warcraft 3. He could have made a comeback with a story: "That wasnt me, cmon! I sold that account long before that website was open and those channels were spammed. Believe me, I am the real SWGP."

Well at least he knows the market. Few months ago he was trying to sell the website only for 140 euros but now when he realized that  it is just too much for a useless crappy website like www.bewc3.com (free php template, free php modules that everyone who gets few days to waste is able to make) he made an exceptional offer for hackers, trolls and wannabes.

Now that exceptional offer includes shitty website, maphack and spambot. Looks like those TV shop offers where they just cant sell some shitty product so they put in the package with some other shitty stuff only to make you buy it. Like selling chair but if you buy chair you get a pair of shoes, womans bra, toothbrush and a pair of socks.

Lets see who bites it.
