Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Posted by beni in , , , , , , | May 23, 2017

A Goodbye to Dylan Collins 1980 2015


Welcome back to Coffeecola.

Instead of the usual update, I wanted to take a few minutes to recognize and remember 
Dylan Collins, former host of the Gamecritics.com Podcast. I�m very sad to say that Dylan passed away passed away five days ago due to illness. He was only 35.

Although the podcast began with Tim Spaeth as the original host, longtime listeners will remember that after a number of episodes, Tim went on indefinite hiatus until just this year. When he exited, the rest of us were thrown for a loop, and we just didn�t know how to continue.

We didn�t want the podcast to end, but we also didn�t have any people who could assume the hosts role. So, we put out an open call for anyone interested in taking on the duties, and after a brief period of auditions, Dylan Collins was the one we chose.

If you�ve never heard it, here�s his very first episode at the reins.

To be perfectly honest, I was thought he was crazy-brave for raising his hand and I didn�t envy him at all. Not only was he a complete stranger to the entire crew at Gamecritics, he was stepping into shoes that seemed impossible to fill. It can�t have been easy but he went for it and Im glad that he did because if Dylan hadn�t helped us keep it together, I don�t think the podcast would have survived. That the show is still alive and kicking is due in very large part to Dylan.

We at Gamecritics owe Dylan a great deal, and although we lived thousands of miles apart and I never got the chance to meet him in person, I liked him from the start. I always admired his humor and energy, and I was glad to have the chance to record with him.  

Thank you very much, Dylan Collins. Im genuinely sad that youre not with us any longer.

