Friday, June 16, 2017

Posted by beni in , | June 16, 2017


Well. It has been almost a month since the last blog post. I kinda felt sick about the fact that there are so many bad community characters around, the quality and the good guys seem to be gone for good and the overall atmosphere on all websites, Replayers in first place, is at least depressive. Apart from few guys who are still trying to push the ship back on the right course everybody else is letting the water inside to force the sink. Most of the times it used to be fun to watch and write about demonic egos who are tormenting the community but I seriously got tired of observing that. Well, that is the main reason of this little break. My enthusiasm met with the lowest number of satisfaction scale and the inspiration, that I used to get from observing the things I mentioned, is on a good way to say the final goodbye. Not yet, however.
