Thursday, March 19, 2015

Posted by beni in , , , , , , | March 19, 2015
Dear friends,

If you stuck with me for quite a while or if you browsed the Books and/or Movies section of this site, you might have figured out I am quite a sucker when it comes to Period related drama. So due to that I will show you some of my personal fav dresses/outfits. They come in no order due to the fact that I love them all and it is quite hard to do a top. Hey! I would not even do a top for books/movies/music. I place them all equally in my heart - ok, there might be a tiny exception where Freddie & Queen are number one, but hey! I am entitled to that :)  
So here they are:
* Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffanys - black dress + long black gloves + the rows of pearls + the mini-tiara = perfect princessy outfit :) Who said every lady should have a little black dress was totally right. Not to mention that the accessories are perfect and even though I do not agree with smoking, that long one looks very snazzy ;)
* Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt in Titanic - oh, well... actually I want ALL her outfits from that movie, starting with that huge hat and the attire that looks very much like the "My Fair Lady" dress Audrey wore as Eliza Doolittle to the dark dress with orange underskirt that Rose wears as she does some bit of irish dancing.
* Nicole Kidman as Satine in Moulin Rouge - ok, I know she is dresses up very kinky and very provocative, with a lot of red and similar tones, but the lady/lad who did her outifts was amazing! It all inspires love and lust. I would probably not wear it but I would surely save a special place in the closet to watch it from time to time, just as I would watch a painting :)
* Vivien Leigh as Scarlett OHara in Gone With The Wind - he he he! Well you had me talking of her before ;) So to keep it short: I want all her wardrobe from the movie! and I would even wear it out, just to make a fuss ;) Scarlett is very glamourous and the red velvet robe and the green dress are one of my personal favourites ;) 
* Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby (2013) - for all those adorable thin summer-loving dresses that go so smooth on the skin as they seem to be part of the body. It is as if you would feel the wind rushing through them, singing them a love song. I believe that when you would put those dresses on it would be as if you would wear nothing and you would be as light as a feather. Alright, there might be an issue with all those tiaras and Swarowski stones but hey! doesnt she look like a small fairy?
Now trust me, my list would be much bigger, but I try to limit myself :) And who knows?! Maybe I would even do a part 2 one day. Now do tell me, what costumes would you love to own - or at least try once, to see how it would fit you? I would love to hear from you :)

Yours truly,
A Huge Fan Of Period Drama = The LadyBug
