Sunday, June 4, 2017

Posted by beni in , , , , | June 04, 2017

A change in INET source

Receiving the erroneous packet during the waiting period for ACK or CTS indicates that there is a problem and you do not need to wait for time out and you can retransmit it again. We can check the erroneous packets and if they happens during the waiting period, cancel the timer and retransmit the packet. This is the standard. But in the current version, it waits for time out and does not care these erroneous packets.

You can find the patch here:

*By default is disabled, you can enable it in the omnetpp.ini file or in Ieee80211Mac.ned file.

To have more clear code some modifications done as follows:

FixFSM and patchErrorReceptionWithErrors parameters have been removed, if somebody need to return to the old behavior it is possible removing the commentaries from


this commit remove fixFSM and patchErrorReceptionWithErrors
